Our office exemplifies a practice that is exceptionally creative, collaborative, challenging and enjoyable. If you’re an architect looking for a new vibrant firm, we’re hiring. Apply today and join our team: http://www.mcgranahan.com/careers/project-architect/
Category: Culture
VIDEO: Project Architect, Benjamin Fields, Wins Business Examiner’s 40 Under 40
Business Examiner Media Group’s 40 Under Forty program recognizes outstanding South Sound business and community leaders under the age of 40. Benjamin Fields, Project Architect at McGranahan, was one of the 40 impressive individuals awarded! Each class of 40 Under Forty represents the diversity and excellence of the South Sound and includes those who have made great accomplishments and significant contributions to their businesses, industries and communities. An alumni panel reviews the candidates to provide direction in the selection of the 40. Ben, we appreciate the skill, craft and passion you bring to our firm. Congratulations!
“McGranahan Spotlight” is a short video series featuring the skilled and passionate individuals we work with each and every day
Spring Design Challenge
Our 2017 Spring Design Challenge focused on the design of a temporary 2-D wall graphic, image, or artwork for an approx. 14’ wide by 14’ tall wall segment. The purpose of the design/artwork is to represent the culture, people, processes, and or vibrancy which resides here at McGranahan. The wall presented itself as a blank canvas while we prepare for future office renovations. We saw the blank wall as an opportunity to express our culture within the firm and to our visitors.
This effort was intended to be highly creative, exploratory and a rigorously fun effort for everyone to engage in design problems. This challenge offered a chance to exercise design skills, explore new methods, dive deep into creative energies and collaborate with others.
Twelve individuals and teams entered the competition, each with uniquely creative designs for the wall. The teams were asked to present their concepts for the firm-wide popular vote which was factored into a juried selection. Jill Cohn presented the winning concept, titled Art Farm.
Art Farm: A place to cultivate ideas, thoughts and talents characteristic to the McGranahan community.
Everyone who is a part of the McGranahan community are doers. Creativity is intrinsic to who we are. We all have creative interests aside from what we do at work. The Art Farm is a place to cultivate our ideas, show our talents, share our thoughts and get feedback.
Whether you are a painter, a sketcher, a writer, a poet, a photographer, a printmaker, a hiker, a builder or a music maker; this is the place to let it show.
The execution of the wall is sheets of plywood fastened horizontally to the existing wall. Using the leftover partial sheets of plywood, a contemplation bench/toolbox/step stool will be created. Inside will be cultivation tools for use.
The concept will now go through a refinement process and will be unveiled to the staff in August.
Posted: July 14, 2017
Category: Culture
Sound to Narrows
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Temporibus autem quibusdam et aut officiis debitis aut rerum necessitatibus saepe eveniet ut et voluptates repudiandae sint et molestiae non recusandae. Itaque earum rerum hic tenetur a sapiente delectus, ut aut reiciendis voluptatibus maiores alias consequatur aut perferendis doloribus asperiores repellat.
OHES + LHS Field Trip
McGranahan believes in creating an atmosphere of Genuine Collaboration in which open dialogue and intellectual curiosity is encouraged. We create environments that encourage shared learning and teaching and believe practicing these in our office helps to expand possibilities, build understanding, streamlines decision-making and improves the built result. One way McGranahan encourages shared learning and teaching is through site visits for projects that are under construction.
A site visit is the best way to see how the objects we model in BIM (Building Information Modeling) get translated into built environments. It’s also a great way to provide staff with professional development, regardless of experience level or area of interest. Recently McGranahan staff toured two buildings: Olympic Hills Elementary School and Lakewood High School.
At the time of the tour, Olympic Hills Elementary School construction was complete but the District had not moved in yet. Touring a building at this stage allows employees to freely explore the school and have open discussions about what worked well and what could have been done better. It allows us to take the time to reflect on the finished product of a drawn detail in comparison to the desired result.
Lakewood High School was in different stages of construction throughout the building. This is useful because staff can look at the scope and sequence of the different trades required to constructing a building. In one area it is possible to see the bones of a detail and in another area see the finished construction. The importance of consultant coordination becomes obvious to ensure that everything fits in the spaces allotted.
The most important thing about these tours, is that they help to develop the general knowledge of construction and design technologies within the office. Consequently, the entire firm becomes more agile, efficient, and creative. This type of hands-on learning is just one example of how McGranahan implements and applies the teaching strategies we learn from our clients.
Our Celebration of Women’s History Month
McGranahan Architects launched a “Women in Architecture” photo series on our Instagram channel in March of 2017 in support of Women’s History Month. Our goals were to share the stories of the architects and designers in our office and to inspire young women in pursuit of architectural careers. Collectively, we asked one question: What inspired you to become an architect or designer?
In March of 2016, the American Institute of Architects released the results of a Diversity in the Profession of Architecture survey stating that more than 70% of female identified architects and architecture students in the United States feel that women are underrepresented in the profession. Our desire for this campaign was to promote internal firm culture by highlighting and celebrating our female professionals who contribute greatly to our firm. We also viewed this campaign as a way to develop a personal connection with our online audience through shared stories.
In addition to the celebratory aspect of this campaign, we also wanted to inspire young architectural students or aspiring architectural students. We felt that social media was a strong platform for this campaign due to its ability to connect with a younger audience. The level of online engagement was phenomenal; so much so that we decided to enter our photo series into the Seattle Reign Awards for Best Digital Media Campaign.
Because of the genuine collaboration, honest storytelling and pathways paved by architects before us like Zaha Hadid, Eileen Gray and Maya Lin, we were able to win a Reign Award for our photo series. From this experience we have learned that while a large majority of women in the architectural field feel underrepresented, our goal as a firm is to recognize this reality and actively engage with our architects to create a more equal and just environment for everyone at our firm.