Two primary elements co-exist on the Mann Elementary site, landscape and architecture. These elements intersect symbolically and functionally while providing learning opportunities through the incorporation of an existing site trail and outdoor learning spaces. Multiple volumes are defined by building program groupings that emerge from the site as simple shed roof pitches. The building is zoned with public spaces grouped separately so that after hours use can take place while the remainder of the facility is unoccupied. The landscape is used as another source of learning that teaches that nature and the built environment can co-exist. Trees in a grove-like arrangement are bisected by the primary site trail and are reminiscent of past orchards in the area. The north side of the site uses planting to soften and cool the paved areas. The south side of the site remains undisturbed and provides a natural setting with indigenous plantings and trees adjacent to an existing residential neighborhood. Mann Elementary was one of the first K-12 projects to utilize the GC/CM project delivery method.